
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17

Delicious Sugar Snap Peas

Today for breakfast my popsicle and I are enjoying these sweet crunchy vegetables which can be a delicious side dish or main. Snow peas are delicate yet crisp, with a mild, refreshing flavor. Raw, they add a welcome crunch to salads. Which is my favorite part of a salad.

Sugar snap peas are loaded with vitamins. One serving provides a whopping 90% of the RDA of Vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and prevent chronic disease. One serving provides a good amount of other essential vitamins as well, including Vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.

I'm a little disappointed with the fact people watching their sugar intake should keep in mind that sugar snap peas contain a relatively high amount of sugar, with about three grams per serving. I only have sugar in my tea if we go out to eat. It gives me a very strong headache. I cut sugar out of my food intake over three years ago. I will have watch how many I eat. One delicious food to add to your list for The New Year.

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